Opportunities for Greatness

Jesus wants you to be great!
Jesus’ disciples recognised his greatness and they sought opportunity to become great through association with him. Greatness, in their minds, was power or authority over others. But Jesus had another definition. "...whoever would be great among you must be your servant, ...For even the Son of Man came not to be served but
to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:42-45 ESV). According to Jesus, greatness is serving…and Jesus wants his disciples to be great! The name “Servant’s Church” is meant to remind us that our Lord served us first and this is His church! Below are some opportunities to learn greatness at Servant’s.
Ministry Team
As stated in our values, “our gatherings provide opportunities to worship Him in service”. We ask everyone who considers Servant’s to be their home church to serve on a ministry team. The minimum prerequisite is that you have consistently attended Servant’s for at least 3 months however, each team has its own specific criteria (see our Ministry Team Requirements). Once you know where you’d like to serve, download and fill out a Volunteer Application Form and email it to officestuff@servantschurch.org.uk . Once we have received it, one of our leadership team will contact you and discuss the next step.
Just finished Uni and not sure what to do next? Looking for something meaningful to do during your gap year? Are you interested in ministry leadership but you're not sure what it entails? Would you like to learn good Bible handling skills? Then consider committing 13 months learning the ins & outs of local church ministry as a Servant’s Church Intern. Fill in our Intern Application Form and email it to jb@servantschurch.org.uk . Once we have received it, one of our Elders will contact you for a possible interview.

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